Boards and Committees
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- Budget Committee
- Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Advisory Committee
- John C. Shirley Cemetery Trustees Committee
- Conservation Commission
- Ethics Advisory Committee
- Joint Loss Management Committee
- Library Trustees
- Meetinghouse Committee
- New Durham Water Quality & Milfoil / Invasive Aquatic Weeds Committee
- Parks & Recreation Commission
- Planning Board
- Select Board
- Supervisors of the Checklist
- Trustees of the Trust Funds
- Zechariah Boodey Farmstead Committee
- Zoning Board of Adjustment
Budget Committee
Duties & Responsibilities
Duties and responsibilities are defined by law, namely Revised Statutes Annotated 32. Town Meeting in 1936 voted by ballot to accept the provisions of the Municipal Budget Act. The Budget Committee changed to an Elected Official committee in the 2016 Election. A representative from both the Board of Selectmen and Copple Crown Village District shall be appointed by their respective boards to serve a one year term. (Total of up to 8 members: 6 at-large elected by the people, 1 Member from the Board of Selectmen and 1 Member from the Copple Crown Village District)
The Budget Committee meets on a quarterly basis during the year to review the financial quarters with the Board of Selectmen and meets, generally, on a weekly basis for the following years’ budget preparatory review with the departments beginning in October through to January.
Contact Information
Finance Manager - Vickie Blackden
- Phone: (603) 859-2091 Ext4
Committee Members
Chair - Theresa Jarvis
- Term Expires: 2026
Member - Ken Fanjoy
- Term Expires: 2024
Member - David Bickford
- Term Expires: 2025
Member - Ellen Phillips
- Term Expires: 2025
Member - Susan DeRoy
- Term Expires: 2026
Select Board Rep. - David “Swens” Swenson
- Term Expires: 2024
Member - Paul Patrick Perry
- Term Expires: 2027
Copple Crown Village District Representative - Kelly Bisson
- Term Expires: NA
What is the difference between an “official” and an “advisory” budget committee?
- An official budget committee is one adopted by a vote of the legislative body under RSA 32:14. New Durham has an official Budget Committee therefore they have the duty to prepare the budget proposed to the meeting and to hold the required Public Hearings under RSA 32:16. In addition the total amount appropriated by the meeting, including amounts appropriation ins separate and special warrant articles, cannot exceed the total recommended by the Budget Committee by more than 10% RSA 32:18.
- An unofficial committee is purely advisory and has none of the statutory duties or authority of an official budget committee. The governing body prepares the budget and holds the public hearings, and is not bound by the 10% rule.
Can the budget committee or the legislative body designate a separate warrant article as “non-lapsing,” “non-transferable” or “special”?
- No, only the governing body has that authority - RSA 32:3, VI
What is the difference between the governing body and the legislative body?
- In a municipality with an annual meeting form of government, the governing body is the Board of Selectmen, the school board in a school district, and the board of commissioners in a village district. The legislative body is the assembly of voters at the Town Meeting, School District Meeting or Village District Meeting.
Whose budget is presented to the voters, the budget committee’s or the governing body’s?
- In a town with an official budget committee, the budget committee’s recommended budget is presented to the voters.
Can an official budget committee tell a governing body how to spend appropriated funds
- No. The budget committee’s purpose is “to assist the voters in the prudent appropriation of funds” RSA 32:1. While the budget committee has a duty to review current expenditures, it is primarily for the preparation of future budgets, rather than to challenge or dispute what the governing body is doing. No one has legal authority to challenge the discretion of the governing body in making transfers among purposes of appropriation RSA 32:10 I. However if the bottom is overspent or expenditures are not properly entered and classified in municipal records, the budget committee has specific authority to petition the Superior Court for removal of the responsible official(s) under RSA 32:23.
Whose recommendations should appear on the Warrant Articles and budget items?
- Recommendations should appear if at all, only on appropriation articles. The law does not authorize the inclusion of recommendations on non-money articles. The proposed operating budget will be the one recommended by the Town of New Durham Budget Committee. Department of Revenue Administration forms to be posted with the Warrant require a notation of the recommendations of the governing body and the official budget committee on proposed appropriations.
- In addition to these recommendations, all “special” warrant articles including petitioned warrant articles, bond issuance, capital reserve funds and trust funds and any other appropriations article labeled in the Warrant as “special” by the governing body require a notation on the Warrant of whether or not they are recommended by the governing body and the official Budget Committee. RSA 32:3, VI; RSA 32:5 V.
Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Advisory Committee
Duties & Responsibilities
The Advisory Capital Improvement Committee is responsible for planning the capital needs of the town for at least ten years ahead, and reviewing the accuracy of the projections on a yearly basis. RSA 674:5-7. This process helps stabilize the town’s tax rate by spreading capital investments evenly over time. The Committee was first established in the fall of 2006. The Committee meets every fall to review and update last year’s plan and make recommendations to the Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee.
It was established by 2007 Warrant Article 25:
To see if the Town will vote to approve the formation of the Advisory Capital Improvement Plan Committee to be composed of one (1) planning board member, one (1) budget committee member, one (1) Board of Selectmen representative, and two (2) at-large members appointed by the Board of Selectmen. The charge of such a committee will be to assist the Planning Board with capital planning per RSA 674:5 through 7, and to review annually the adopted Capital Improvement Plan and make such annual recommendations as they deem necessary, following departmental reviews, to the Planning Board to maintain effective municipal fiscal planning and community vitality of assets.
The Advisory Capital Improvement Committee is not a statutory committee under RSA 674:5.
Contact Information
Stephanie Lundy
- Phone: (603) 859-2091 Ext 2011
Cemetery Fees
- Adult Grave Opening (during working hours): $300
- Burial for a Cremation Container: $50
- Child Grave Opening (during working hours): $100
- Disinterment: $600
- Cremation Opening (during working hours): $50
- Purchase a Lot in Sections A, B and C: $500
Resale of purchased lots is strictly prohibited. The owner may return the space to the Town and receive compensation in the same amount the owner paid for the lot. Re-sale by the Town of returned lots will be at the current rate of $500.
Committee Members
- Secretary - Mark McFadden
- Chair CIP, Planning Board - Scott Drummey
- Select Board Rep. - Dot Veisel
- Vice Chair - Thomas Baker
- Budget Committee Rep. - Susan Deroy
John C. Shirley Cemetery Trustees Committee
Duties & Responsibilities:
The town elects cemetery trustees in the three year staggered terms. Operations and maintenance of municipal cemeteries - day-to-day authority. Must submit an annual budget to Selectmen and budget committee, and establish regulations for town meeting vote. Maintenance and sale of all cemetery lots, and recording of the sale.
- Cemetery located on Stockbridge Corner Road
Contact Information
- Phone: (603) 859-8000
Committee Members
- Trustee - Kelli Kostick
- Trustee - Kenneth Quigley
- Member - Stephanie McKenzie
(Back to top)Conservation Commission
Mission Statement:
The Conservation Commission has two broad responsibilities. The first of these is to evaluate and make recommendations to the State of New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES) on permits to do work in or near wetlands, and the second responsibility is to monitor this work, to file complaints and assist citizens in filing complaints related to wetlands violations (“wetlands” includes Lakes, Ponds, and New Durham’s streams and brooks.)
- In 1969, residents of New Durham voted at town meeting to establish a Conservation Commission as advisors to aid the other town boards, developers, and land owners in the protection of the natural resources in town. In 1975 (Article #14) the residents of New Durham voted to increase the Conservation Commission to 6 members. In 2015 (Article 12) the residents of New Durham voted to decrease the Conservation Commission to 5 members.
- The members of the New Durham Conservation Commission (NDCC) are appointed by the Board of Selectmen and serve three-year terms.
- The NDCC is composed of town residents having a variety of interests and experience. The Commission’s primary goal is to work with town residents to provide for the protection and appreciation of natural resources. To that end, the NDCC is committed to broadening public awareness of the natural resources of New Durham in the belief that it will inevitably lead to greater commitment to their careful stewardship.
Contact Information
Land Use Assistant - Susan Stillwell
- Phone: (603) 859-2091 ex 2007 (Land Use)
- Email:
- Hours: Meet the last Tuesday of the month
Commission Members
Chair - Ron Gehl
- Term Expires: 2023
Vice-Chair - Curtis Richard
- Term Expires: 2023
Member - Mark Sullivan
- Term Expires: 2024
Member - Robert Craycraft
- Term Expires: NA
Member - Bill Malay
- Term Expires: NA
Member - Heather Freeman
- Term Expires: NA
- Land & Community Heritage Investment Program
- Moose Mt Regional
- NH Lakes Association
- NH Wildlife Foundation
- ESPNHF: Society for Protection of NH Forests
- Shoreland
- Wetlands Permit
Ethics Advisory Committee
At the 2011 Town Meeting, the Town’s Ethics was ordinance rescinded, and a new committee, the Ethics Policy Revision Committee, was created and tasked with turning the ordinance into a policy. The New Durham Ethics Policy was completed on December 26th, 2011. It can be found here. The adoption of the policy completed the work of the Ethics Policy Revision Committee, and created a new Ethics Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Ethics Committee is to:
- Educate public servants regarding the provisions of the Ethics Policy guidelines.
- Provide advice and counsel regarding ethical issues.
- Submit Ethics Policy revisions to the Board of Selectmen.
If you are a New Durham resident and are interested in being appointed to this committee, please contact the Town Hall at 859-2091.
Contact Information
- Address: 4 Main Street, P.O. Box 207, New Durham, NH 03855
- Phone: (603) 859-2091 Ext 2001
- Email:
Committee Members
- Chair - Christopher Baca
- Vice Chair - Ellen Phillips
- Secretary - Lisa Gonthier
- Member - Dolores Van Malden
- Member - Zachary Meloon
Linked Documents
(Back to top)Joint Loss Management Committee
Every employee has the right to a workplace free from occupational safety and health hazards. A Joint Loss Management Program is designed to prevent accidents and illnesses, and is established jointly between employees and management. Unsafe act(s), unsafe condition(s) and accident(s) all demonstrate a weakness in the management system. This program provides the framework for safety to be managed like any other function through planning, organization, leadership, and control. It is an established fact that a well-trained, well-disciplined and well-supervised employee in a safe and healthful environment is less likely to have an accident.
Contact Information
- Address: 4 Main Street, P.O. Box 207, New Durham, NH 03855
- Phone: (603) 859-2091 Ext 2001
Committee Members
- Chair - Alicia Housel
- Vice Chair - Judy Purington
- Secretary - Stephanie Lundy
- Member - Peter Varney
- Member - Rick Therrien
- Member - Susan Stillwell
- Member - Mark Taylor
- Member - Caitlin Frost
- Member - Celeste Chasse
(Back to top)Library Trustees
The New Durham Public Library exists for the purpose of providing New Durham residents and other interested persons of all ages with materials, services, and programs which best meet their educational, informational, and recreational needs. The collection will be in a variety of formats suitable for various ages. The library provides access to resources beyond the community through interlibrary loan, automated resources, and membership in regional cooperatives.
- At the 1975 Town Meeting, Article #8 voted to increase the Trustees from 3 to 6 members.
RSA Library Trustees
- 202-A:6 Library Trustees: Election; Alternates: The library trustees shall have the entire custody and management of the public library and of all the property of the town relating thereto, including appropriations held pursuant to RSA 202-A:11, III, but excepting trust funds held by the town. Any town having a public library shall, at a duly warned town meeting, elect a board of library trustees consisting of any odd number of persons which the town may decide to elect. Such trustees shall serve staggered 3-year terms or until their successors are elected and qualified. There may be no more than 3 alternates as provided in RSA 202-A:10.
- 202-A:10 Library Trustees; Vacancies; Alternates: Vacancies occurring on any board of library trustees in a town shall be filled as provided in RSA 669:75. A vacancy occurring among the publicly elected members of the board of library trustees of a city library shall be filled by the city council or other appropriate appointing authority within 2 months of the notice by the remaining members of the board of trustees. The board of library trustees may recommend to the appointing authority names of persons for appointment to vacancies on expired terms. The board of library trustees may recommend to the appointing authority the names of no more than 3 persons who may serve as alternate members on the board when elected members of the board are unable to attend a board meeting. The alternate members shall be appointed to one-year terms.
Contact Information
- Address: 2 Old Bay Road, New Durham, NH 03855
- Phone: (603) 859-2201
- Hours: Monday - Thursday: 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm , Friday: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Saturday: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Committee Members
Chair - William Meyer
- Term Expires: 2024
Secretary - Patrice Mitchell
- Term Expires: 2025
Treasurer - Marilee DeCoff
- Term Expires: 2023
Member - John Michaud
- Term Expires: 2025
Member - Rachel Lamontagne
- Term Expires: 2023
Meetinghouse Committee
Welcome to the 1772 Meetinghouse-Ready for Restoration and Revival
As residents of New Durham, we are all the proud owners of one of the few remaining pre-Revolutionary War Meetinghouses in the state. For more than 250 years, the building has stood at the crest of a hill along Old Bay Road overlooking New Durham Corner, the original Town center. It served as the seat of government and religion.
- The site, now called Meetinghouse Park, also contains the Town’s first cemetery, a stone Town pound built in 1809, a vernal pool with a wooden overlook, and marked trails. Both the building and the pound are on the National Register of Historic Places. The Meetinghouse is also a designated Seven to Save resource, a distinction bestowed by the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance, as well as a state Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP) grant awardee.
- The Town’s Select Board formed the 1772 Meetinghouse Restoration Committee in 2006 to restore New Durham’s most historic building physically and culturally. The Committee’s goal has always been to restore the building for use by the public. This building has been the gathering place for New Durham residents since before there was an America and it belongs to all of us.
- The restoration work has been divided into phases: Phase I, the frost-free foundation, with only a ADA accessible ramp to be completed. The remaining phases include timber frame repair and roof replacement, windows and doors; interior work to bring the building up to code.
- Completion of each phase allows for greater and varied use by the Town and the community. And there is a demand for that use. The Program Summary of the Town Facilities Plan states: “The basic needs vary from facility to facility, but a common shortcoming is the need for storage space and meeting space.”
- Not only does the Meetinghouse have the space – it has the original space!
- In 2000, residents voted to establish a Capital Reserve Fund for the restoration of the Meetinghouse; that way money could be put aside each year if voted for by the resident’s of New Durham. As the fund builds, so does our ability to receive grants of larger amounts. Donations are also accepted and Fundraising events and opportunities take place throughout the year.
- This building has been the gathering place for New Durham residents since before there was an America. What an honor it is that this town still has its most historic building. What a responsibility we have to ensure that future generations may use it.
The 1772 Meetinghouse is situated on Old Bay Road and by its very name provides the clue as to its original use by past residents for the Town of New Durham. This was the building that began the process of local town governance in a fledgling democratic manner. The historical decisions made determined the origins and growth of the Town of New Durham.
Contact Information
Key Contact - Cecile Chase
- Address: 1772 Meetinghouse Committee, P.O. Box 207, New Durham, NH 03855
- Phone: (603) 859-2091 Ext 2003
- Email:
Committee Members
- Chair - Bob Bickford
- Vice Chair - Clayton Randall
- Treasurer - Ellen Phillips
- Secretary - Cathy Allyn
- Member - Robin Bickford
Linked Documents
(Back to top)New Durham Water Quality & Milfoil / Invasive Aquatic Weeds Committee
Maintaining a high water quality standard for the Town’s waterbodies consistent with the standards for the classes and use of each waterbody.
Contact Information
- Address: P.O. Box 207, New Durham, NH 03855
- Phone: (603) 859-2091
Committee Members
- Chair - Maureen Knepp
- Alternate - Casey Buell
- Member - Mike Hudon
Linked Documents
- Long-Term Variable Milfoil Management Plan
- Septic System Impacts on Water Sources
- Aquatic Plant Management Society
Parks & Recreation Commission
- Town Meeting 1979 Article 6 - The New Durham Parks and Recreation Commission is appointed by the Selectmen whose function shall be to oversee the successful operation and development of recreational activities within the town. RSA 31:44-31:50a.
- BOS meeting February 4, 2020 - Parks & Recreation Commission Celeste Chasse, Parks and Recreation Director, stated there was a resignation from the Commission and presented three applications from interested individuals. She stated there is one opening and asked if the Board could put the commission back up to seven members from five to allow for more input and diversity within the commission. Town Administrator Kinmond stated it had been seven but there was a struggle around 2016/17 getting the seats filled and having a quorum in attendance. He stated increasing the seats could open the Commission to more input and involvement from the community. Selectman Chase asked if there are enough interested individuals to fill the seats. Ms. Chase replied there is. Selectman Veisel stated she would be opposed to increasing the number noting there was a period of time when the Commission couldn’t meet due to lack of a quorum. Town Administrator Kinmond stated if there are people that are interested they can open it up and if it doesn’t work out the Board of Selectmen can reduce the number again. Selectman Chase stated the new Director seems to be getting people interested and involved so wants to support that improvement. Selectman Chase made a motion to increase the membership on the Parks and Recreation Commission from five to seven members. Chair Swenson seconded the motion. Roll Call: Selectman Veisel – nay; Selectman Chase – aye; Chair Swenson – aye. Motion passed 2-1-0.
- Town Meeting 2001 Article 17 - Established a recreational revolving fund in accordance to RSA 35b:2 and named the Parks and Recreation Commission as agents. The town treasurer shall have custody of all monies in the fund and shall pay out only upon order of the Parks & Recreation Commission.
Contact Information
- Address: 4 Main Street, P.O. Box 207, New Durham, NH 03855
- Phone: (603) 859-2091 ext 2010
- Email:
- Website: ND Parks & Rec
Committee Members
- Chair - Scott Goodspeed
- Vice Chair - Jaime Bamford
- Secretary - Nick Marks
- Member - Darlene Demeritt
- Member - Chad Chase
- Member - Dot Veisel
Planning Board
Mission Statement
- Article 17 of the 1952 Town Meeting established a five member Planning Board in the Town of New Durham. Article 4 of the 1968 Town Meeting gave the Planning Board the authority to approve or disapprove subdivisions within the Town. Article 2 of the 2004 Town Meeting voted to have a publicly elected five member Planning Board per RSA 673:2 II(b)(1) and 673:5 II. The five alternate members are appointed by the Planning Board.
The mission of the Town of New Durham Planning Board is to:
- Generate a shared community vision of the future of the Town;
- Encourage-through education, ordinance, regulation, and other means–land uses that help create that vision;
- Foster a well informed and active electorate; and
- Encourage other public and private groups to help create that future.
New Hampshire law gives the Planning Board three major responsibilities:
- Planning for future needs and growth of the Town of New Durham. The board works with citizens to articulate a vision of what New Durham may become in the future.
- Adopting or recommending Codes, Ordinances and Rules that can help turn that vision into a reality.
- Regulation of the development, subdivision and use of land in the town to help contribute to the future vision.
Contact Information
Land Use- Administrative Assistant - Susan Stillwell
- Address: 4 Main Street, P.O. Box 207, New Durham, NH 03855-0207
- Phone: (603) 859-2091 Ext 2007
- Hours: Monday - Thursday 9am to 4pm
Committee Members
Chair - Anne Ross- Raymond
- Term Expires: 2026
Vice-Chair - Robert Craycraft
- Term Expires: 2026
Secretary - Scott Drummey
- Term Expires: 2025
Member - Tim Roukey
- Term Expires: 2024
Select Board Rep - Marc DeCoff
- Term Expires: 2024
- 2020 Impact Fees
- Impact Fee Regulations
- 2025 PB Due Dates
- Basis of Assessment for Public School Impact Fee 2009
- Abutter Definition as of Sep 1, 2024
- Planning Board Fee Sheet
- Planning Board Rules of Procedure
Development Committee
2024 Housing and Land Use Update
- The Town of New Durham is updating the Housing and Land Use chapters of the Master Plan this summer. The town’s brand-new Development Committee and the Strafford Regional Planning Commission held a public forum on Saturday, June 1 to identify paths the town can take in drafting this very important document. Below is the feedback we heard from you! The survey is open through Friday, June 7, at which time the results will be posted below, along with notes and results of activities from the June 1 Forum.
- Please reach out to the New Durham Planning Board at any time to submit comments or feedback. SRPC will take the findings of data and research, as well as commentary from the Forum and begin working with the Development Committee and Planning Board to draft the chapters. These will be presented at a public hearing that will be announced, with a public comment period to follow. All materials will be posted on the website and made available at Town Hall.
- The Strafford Regional Planning Commission (SRPC) is a public, non-partisan organization that assists municipalities in Strafford, Carroll, and Rockingham counties with land use, transportation, economic development, and environmental planning. Regional planning commissions also connect cities and towns with funding opportunities in each of these areas. SRPC is locally led, with representatives from each of its 18 municipalities on the commission. Currently, New Durham does not have any representatives. If you have a calling to represent New Durham at the local level or are just curious about local happenings in other communities with Master Plan updates, please reach out. No experience serving on local boards is necessary – SRPC will provide onboarding and work with the New Durham Planning Board in appointing you. Commissioners vote on funding options that can assist New Durham, guide the work of the Commission from year to year, and collaborate with leadership from neighboring communities. The commitment is 1-2 ninety-minute meetings per month, with both in-person and remote options. Connect with Mark at or (603) 994-3500.
- Forum PowerPoint Slides
- Station Posters
- Activity Images
Select Board
Role of the Board:
Under Revised Statutes Annotated (RSA) 41:8-b the composition of the Select Board can be three (3) or five (5) members. New Durham’s Select Board is composed of a three-member board.
- In large part, the Select Board functions as an executive branch or as a Board of Directors, and as agents to carry out the voted actions of the Town of New Durham’s legislative branch also known as “Town Meeting.” The Board’s grant of power comes explicitly from the State Legislature there is no “Home Rule” contrary to popular belief. The Board can only exercise those powers specifically granted by Statute, ordinance or by-law or those powers that are within the authority of their office.
- RSA 41:8 provides that the Select Board members manage the “prudential” affairs of the town prudential affairs role can be interpreted as carrying out the details of town meeting votes e.g. authorization to spend money, sign deeds, appoint new officials, compose legal ordinances and policies, enter into contractual agreements.
- The Board acts as a collegial body in making decisions and conduct of town business. One Select Board member has no authority and a unanimous decision is not required for board actions. However under RSA 91-A all business, except those situations specially exempted under RSA 91-A: 3 II a-e, must be conducted in a public session with a duly posted notice to the Citizens.
The Board cannot interfere with the exercise of functions, which, by statute are delegated to other elected officials. However, the Select Board, in the exercise of their budgeting, spending and safeguarding authority, have the right to obtain information from elected officials, to hire personnel and set salaries (subject to appropriation by town meeting), to approve purchasing of supplies, and to set rules governing the safeguarding of all municipal property and financial assets RSA 41:9 VI.
In addition to managing the prudential affairs, the Select Board has other substantive duties, again prescribed by law, but do not require Town Meeting vote, namely:
- Regulation of Municipal Highways and Commons RSA 41:11
- Layout of Highways RSA 231: 8-19
- Order Repair or demolition of Hazardous & Dilapidated Buildings RSA 155-B
- Junkyard Licensing RSA 236:111-129
- Health Regulations RSA 147
- Abatement Requests RSA 76
- Appointments For Vacant positions
- Setting Fees providing Town Meeting has adopted RSA 41:9
- Establish and amend local Welfare Guidelines
- Financial Accounting and Safeguarding
- Election Duties: under RSA 658:9-a, the Board is responsible for the physical set up of the polling place for town elections.
- Property Appraisal Taxation: Selectmen are responsible to assure that all taxable property in town is inventoried, and appraised and that a warrant is issued to the tax collector for the collection of such taxes RSA 75 & 76
- Litigation: The Board works to resolve claims that may be made against the town and it’s departments with the able assistance of town counsel.
The Role of a Select Board is varied and takes time to know the areas of required knowledge and interaction with other town boards and committees. This is why many communities have Town Administrators to assist the board in carrying out their “prudential affairs” and carrying out the day-to-day operations of local municipal government.
Contact Information
Town Administrator - Cecile Chase
- Address: Town Hall, 4 Main Street, P.O. Box 207, New Durham, NH 03855
- Phone: (603) 859-2091 ext 2003
- Email:
Committee Members
Chair - David “Swens” Swenson
- Term Expires: 2026
Vice Chair - Marc DeCoff
- Term Expires: 2025
Member - Dot Veisel
- Term Expires: 2027
(Back to top)Supervisors of the Checklist
The duties of Supervisor of the Checklist include registering voters and correcting the checklist in cities or towns.
Voter Registration Information - How To Vote
- Location is at the New Durham Elementary School, 7 Old Bay Road, New Durham.
By NH law, only residents who are registered voters that are eligible to vote absentee:
- Will be absent from the town during the hours the polls are open on election day
- Residents with illness
- Residents with disabilities
- Religious reasons for being unable to travel to the polls
- Absence from the town due to employment.
Absentee ballots are available from your town or city clerk approximately 30 days before an election. Request the absentee ballot application from the clerk or you may download the application. If you wish, you may submit a request in writing that should include all the information required on the application: your name, voting address, mailing address and your signature.
- An application for an absentee ballot may be transmitted by FAX (603-859-6644) to your town clerk.
State Senate and State Representative Districts
Due to passage of House Bill 592, our State Senate & State Representative Districts are as follows:
- State Senate: District 6: Alton, Barnstead, Farmington, Gilmanton, New Durham and Rochester
- State Representative: District 3: New Durham and Strafford
- If you have questions about your voting rights, you may contact the NH Secretary of State 603-271-3242 or the NH Attorney General 603-271-3658.
Contact Information
- Address: 4 Main Street, P.O. Box 207, New Durham, NH 03855-0207
- Phone: (603) 859-2091 Ext 2001
Committee Members
Chair - Patricia Grant
- Term Expires: 2028
Member - Christopher Baca
- Term Expires: 2026
Member - Angela Pruitt
- Term Expires: 2030
- Voter Id Law Explanatory Document
- Download Absentee Ballot Application
- Voters living outside the United States may file a “UOCAVA absentee ballot application”.
Trustees of the Trust Funds
In general Towns may take and hold in trust gifts, legacies, and devises made to them for the establishment, maintenance, and care of libraries, reading-rooms, schools, and other education facilities, parks, cemeteries, and burial lots, care of shade and ornamental trees upon the highways and other public places, and for any other public purpose that is not foreign to their institution or incompatible with the objects of the organization. In 1998 the Town of New Durham authorized for an indefinite period the board of selectmen to accept such trust. All such trust shall be administrated by a board of three trustees. One trustee shall be elected by a ballot at each town meeting for a term of 3 years. Trustee shall elect one of their members bookkeeper, who shall keep the records and books for the trustees, and shall require a voucher before making any disbursement of funds from said trusts.
Contact Information
- Address: 4 Main Street, P.O. Box 207, New Durham, NH 03855-0207
- Phone: (603) 859-2091 Ext 2004
Committee Members
Chair - Angela Pruitt
- Term Expires: 2026
Member - David Bickford
- Term Expires: 2027
Member - David Allyn
- Term Expires: 2025
(Back to top)Zechariah Boodey Farmstead Committee
- To reconstruct the Zechariah Boodey Farmstead, while maintaining historic integrity of the buildings; to teach future generations about our collective pasts; featuring New Durham’s importance in that history; provide a useful asset for the community.
Committee Charge:
- The Zechariah Boodey Farmstead Committee’s responsibility will be to oversee fund raising and reconstruction of the Zechariah Boodey House, a historical building in the community. During the Board of Selectmen’ March 1, 2006 meeting, they made official acceptance, signing “Agreement for Donation and Preservation of the Boodey House”, of the donation/gift of the Boodey House from the Ferguson Family Trust. The Committee shall raise funds by a number of means including, but not limited to; solicitation of funds and grants from private foundations; appropriations from the Town of New Durham, donations from private individuals and charitable organizations and any other legal means to fund this project.
How can you help?
- Charitable contributions may be mailed to: Zechariah Boodey Farmstead Committee, PO Box 207, New Durham, NH 03855. (Charitable contributions deductions may be taken per the Internal Revenue Code Section 170(a)(1).)
- The Boodey House, built by Zechariah Boodey in 1769, was the birthplace for the First Free Will Baptist Church, on June 30, 1780, under the leadership of Elder Benjamin Randal. The Committee has undertaken a substantial project to expand access to our historic and cultural heritage. The restoration, reconstruction and re-purposing of the Zechariah Boodey Farmstead, historic buildings from our past, will be a cornerstone connection to local businesses, and other surrounding historical and cultural entities, by encouraging growth in our communities’ local economy. The Farmstead will yield a location, available to a variety of people, for social, educational, private and civic events and activities.
- Consider joining as a member or volunteering.
Contact Information
- Address: 29 Stockbridge Corner Road, P.O. Box 207, New Durham, NH 03855
- Phone: (603) 859-4643
- Hours: For more information contact Chair Orlowicz by phone
Committee Members
- Chair - Cathy Orlowicz
- Secretary - Cheryl Cullimore
- Member - Crissa Evans
- Member - Scott Drummey
Linked Documents
(Back to top)Zoning Board of Adjustment
Contact Information
Land Use Assistant - Susan Stillwell
- Address: 4 Main Street, P.O. Box 207, New Durham, NH 03855-0207
- Phone: (603) 859-2091 Ext 2007
Committee Members
Chair - Theresa Jarvis
- Term Expires: 2026
Vice Chair - Bill Meyer
- Term Expires: 2026
Member - Linda Callaway
- Term Expires: 2025
Member - Christopher Baca
- Term Expires: 2024
Member - Ken Fanjoy
- Term Expires: 2025
Alternate Member - Heather Freeman
- Term Expires: 2027